Icaros Shell Extensions

Icaros Shell Extensions 3.3.3 Video thumbnail generator for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

Icaros Shell Extensions Abstract:

Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter. It is a freeware shell extension application that's comprehensive and straightforward.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

A shell tool for adding thumbnails to video files for your Windows - Screenshot of Icaros Shell Extensions
A shell tool for adding thumbnails to video files for your Windows.
Screenshot of Icaros Shell Extensions - 1738px · 1390px
Icaros Shell Extensions: Icaros - Screenshot of Icaros Shell Extensions
Icaros Shell Extensions: Icaros.
Screenshot of Icaros Shell Extensions - 1738px · 1390px
Icaros Shell Extensions: FFmpeg - Screenshot of Icaros Shell Extensions
Icaros Shell Extensions: FFmpeg.
Screenshot of Icaros Shell Extensions - 1738px · 1390px
Shell tool for adding thumbnails to video files - Screenshot of Icaros Shell Extensions
Shell tool for adding thumbnails to video files.
Screenshot of Icaros Shell Extensions - 1738px · 1390px
Icaros Shell Extensions: User interface - Screenshot of Icaros Shell Extensions
Icaros Shell Extensions: User interface.
Screenshot of Icaros Shell Extensions - 1738px · 1390px